Oncological Surgery


Surgery is one of the most common treatments for cancer. These malignant tissue cut using a scalpel or light beams of high-energy (laser).

Your doctor may recommend surgery for a number of reasons:

  • confirm a diagnosis
  • removal of a tumor
  • staging (judging the size and spread of the cancer)
  • reconstruction of a body part
  • palliative surgery to relieve symptoms

Each operation is unique because each person is unique. We can not be specific about what will happen before, during or after the operation. However, we can give an idea of ​​the usual order in which things will suceder.Usted should receive information about what is planned for you. You must also have the opportunity to ask questions. If you are worried about something or have any questions, ask your doctor or nurse.

Some cancers can be treated with surgery. If surgery is part of your treatment, you will be admitted to hospital. Depending on the surgery you need, you can make your stay is short or you may need a longer hospital stay. Before surgery you may be asked to attend a pre-assessment clinic (or pre-admission clinic) to ensure that you are well enough to undergo anesthesia and have surgery.

Anesthesia in surgery

Anesthesiologists are responsible for general anesthesia, sedation and pain management needs of all adults and children.

They are responsible for the following aspects of care:

  • The evaluation of any medical problems in adults and children when needed anesthesia for surgery or other procedures.
  • The planning and care of all patients before and after surgery all types of cancer.
  • Pain control after surgery, either with intravenous (IV) medications or other anesthetic techniques.
  • The management of chronic pain associated with all types of cancer.
  • Anesthesia and sedation for many procedures outside the operating room, such as MRI, CT and radiotherapy.
  • The care of all patients who are admitted to the High Dependency Unit and Intensive Care Unit.
  • Insertion of long term intravenous (Hickmann) lines for the administration of chemotherapy.
  • One in three people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.

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Find out what you can do to limit your risk and check for signs of cancer:

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight can significantly increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. If you are concerned about your weight, your doctor should be able to provide information and support in finding a healthy weight for you.

Stay active

Regular exercise is the key to maintaining your weight. Exercise does not have to be hard work or limited to the gym. Walking, swimming and even vigorous housework and gardening are great ways to moderate activity.

Try to aim for 30 minutes a day of exercise that leaves you a little breathless, but still able to hold a conversation. As fitness increases, you will find that you have to work harder to reach left breathless and this in turn will increase your fitness level.

Eat a balanced diet

Be sure to eat a variety of alimentos.Esta is another way to help control your weight and ensure that you get the nutrients you need. You should try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day and try to eat fresh foods rather than processed.

Limit alcohol consumption

There is strong evidence that excess alcohol increases the risk of various cancers. You can also make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Different entities of Health recommends men limit their consumption to three to four units of alcohol per day. Women should limit their intake to two to three units.

A unit of alcohol is roughly half a pint of normal strength, cider or bitter, alcohol 25 ml or 50 ml of fortified wine (such as sherry or port). A small glass of wine or normal force (12% ABV) contains approximately one and a half units of alcohol.

Give up smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Smoking is a significant risk factor for a wide range of cancers, as well as being a direct cause of nine out of ten cases of lung cancer. This is because cigarette smoke contains approximately 4,000 compounds, some of which are known to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

Quitting smoking is not easy, but there are many centers that can provide help and support.

Stay safe in the sun

The majority of skin cancers are caused by the damage of UV (ultraviolet) rays of sunlight. Sun beds also emit UV rays that damage the skin.

The care of hiding the sun and do not use tanning beds can help reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Learn what is normal for you

It’s not normal if you notice a change in body functions or have found a lump, should be examining the breasts or testicles, and visit your doctor as soon as possible.

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Chemotherapy is treatment with cancer drugs, given to destroy or control cancer cells. It can be given a single drug or can also be given several different drugs together. The goal of treatment depends on the type of cancer you have and how advanced.

If you need chemotherapy, you will receive either one of the day care units or hospital care you may need.